Have you ever been cheated on? Know someone who’s been cheated on? Chances are, the answer is yes. In this day and age, cheating is more common than ever. With hookup apps like Tinder and hundreds of online dating sites, it’s never been easier to cheat and get away with it.
If your partner has a smartphone, or even just access to the Internet, they could be sneaking around behind your back and you’d never even know it! If you think it could never happen to you, think again. It is estimated that 30-60% of all married people in the U.S. cheat on their spouse, and this number is even higher for people who are dating. This means that if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, statistically they’re more likely to cheat on you than they are to stay faithful.
Since online affairs are so easy to cover up, how can you know for sure that your partner is really loyal? You can’t. But fortunately, this new online tool may expose the truth about what your significant other is really doing online.
If you’re dating or in a relationship, you should search your partner on this site before it’s too late!
Here’s How It Works.
TruthFinder is a powerful public records search service that can instantly uncover public records and online profiles on just about anyone in America. You just type someone’s first and last name into the search box, and it instantly scans millions of public records and online sources to uncover sensitive details about someone’s past. Then it compiles that information into a personal background check report that you have the option to save so you can access it at any time. So you can confront your lover with the hard evidence of their cheating ways.
How Do They Do It?
Cheaters might be good at covering their tracks, but everything a person does online leaves a digital trail that can’t always be covered up. This site searches thousands of websites such as social media platforms and online dating sites to give you a better picture of what your boyfriend or girlfriend is really doing online when they think you aren’t looking.
That means this site can instantly uncover forgotten accounts and online dating profiles your partner may have created behind your back. You could find embarrassing or incriminating photos and videos of your boyfriend or girlfriend that normal search engines can’t find. It would be almost impossible for you to search for your partner on all these websites yourself, and even if you had that kind of time, would you even know where to start??
But Wait, There’s More. . .
In addition to finding private social media profiles and forgotten online dating accounts, TruthFinder also conducts a comprehensive criminal background check on the person you’re looking up. This site may reveal crucial details about your significant other’s past that they’ve kept hidden from you.
Cheaters Never Win
The amount of personal information you get back in one of these reports is almost scary. If you want a fast, easy way to get the scoop on your partner’s past and uncover shady online profiles to see if they’re cheating, visit TruthFinder and search their name ASAP!
I would definitely recommend this tool to anyone who’s married, in a relationship, or thinking about dating someone new. If you’ve ever let yourself open up and trust someone, only to get hurt, you know how painful the sting of betrayal can be. Don’t let yourself get burned by a lying, cheating partner. You don’t have to get your heart broken ever again. Protect yourself and search for the truth today!
If you think you’re ready to try it for yourself, click here now.

In 2020 saw sever fires from deforestation in first Brazil & Australia. Millions of acres burning and poor animals burning alive.
But what can we do about it? I gave some money, which I could afford anyway. I recycled and conserve and certainly do not start any forest fires. I would love to help out more but I feel so stretched to my limit.
That’s why I was so excited to find about this new free solitaire game from 8 Billion Trees. They have made it so free & easy for someone like me to help save trees and animals.
All I have to do is install the free Android game Solitare For Trees and play whenever I want. The app has a few ads in it and the money is going to 8 Billion Trees to help save trees and animals like the Koala Bear.
I already play mobile games all the time so nothing changes for me, I’m just now saving Koala Bears!
On average every player helps fund the planting of 1 tree per month with just a game or two per day. If you play more you will fund way more!
Play with me and help plant trees! (click the Google play button below to install the game)

By 2050 it’s predicted there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Over 18 billion pounds of plastic is entering our oceans every year.
But what can we do? You and I probably both recycle and reuse as much as we can already. Also, I’d love to go help clean up or give some money to help out but I already feel stretched to my limit.
That’s why I’ve been so excited to find out about OCG.org and how they make it free and easy for someone like me to help save aquatic life by cleaning the ocean.
All I have to do is install the OCG.org Chrome Browser extension and use the internet as I normally would. The money companies pay to show me ads, now that money is going to clean the ocean.
Nothing changes for me but now I’m saving dolphins!
On average for every 300 US-based users of the extension OCG can afford to hire one full-time employee in developing countries to start cleaning.
Join and help me clean the Ocean!
For Firefox users OCG just came out with a new extension as well. You can get it here:

It’s no secret that our rivers and oceans are filling up with more and more garbage every day. It’s predicted soon enough plastic will outweigh all fish if the trend is not reversed.
But what can you or I do about it? We aren’t throwing in the trash. I do my best to recycled and reuse when I can.
That is where Ocean Cleanup Group (OCG for short) comes in. They give everyone a free and effortless way to help clean trash out of the ocean.
See each time you or I do a search online we are shown a few ads. These ads are what makes Google one of the largest companies in the world.
But we don’t have to just use Google and make them richer.
OCG is a 100% free and amazing search engine, powered by Bing, where you can search the internet just the same.
There is one BIG difference though. Instead of making Google investor rich, the money is helping clean the ocean.
Paying local fishermen, put out of work by large corporations, to go out and clean up plastic and trash every day.
You can watch daily on social media as OCG teams head out and clean up trash. Each search you make can make a real difference.
Ocean trash and plastic are destroying fragile ecosystems that will take thousands of years to heal. We must do something now to help protect our oceans.
I’m proud to say I’m a user of OCG and have the Chrome Extension on my desktop as well as the Android Browser on my phone. Now every search I do helps clean the ocean.
So far, my searches have helped clean up over 200 plastic bags in just 2 months!
It’s also fun to share OCG with others. Everyone I know has been excited when I show them how they can easily start help to clean the ocean.
Check out OCG by going to https://ocg.org/ – Click Here

You have probably already heard about the organization 8 Billion Trees. They are a daring team that is working all around the world to save animals and rebuild their habitats.
They became famous when they invented a zipline to send help directly into the heart of the destruction.

They have been recognized by governments and non-profits as one of the leading teams taking action to save our planet and the countless animals being harmed every day that are losing their tree homes.
“8 Billion Trees has unselfishly recovered multiple areas of the planet.”
– Brazilian Government
They were reviewed by independent non-profit Eden Reforestation who confirmed everything they are doing.
“Is 8 Billion Trees Legit? The answer is clear: yes!”
– Eden Reforestation Projects
Now for the first time, 8 Billion Trees is allowing new members to join with a special membership program that allows anyone…from anywhere in the world…to immediately join and begin rescuing animals, planting trees, and stopping people destroying the planet.

We contacted them to understand how it works and they told us that when you become a member, they will be able to save 30 animals, save 100 existing animal tree homes, and plant 10 new animal tree homes every single month in your name. You are able to do this from the comfort of your phone or computer and it just takes seconds to sign up.
The membership is currently listed at $20.
We reached out to many of the new members and were told by many that they feel relieved they can finally make a difference and help save the planet.
For more information, visit their website to learn about the membership.