We just got word of this amazing opportunity that 8 Billion Trees is running! They are giving away free Hawaii eco vacations to help plant trees by their team. The vacation is for 6 days and 5 nights.
They are offering this as a special partnership with hotels around the world to give away vacant rooms free to anyone who helps to plant trees by becoming a member of 8 Billion Trees. This opportunity will last until all empty rooms on the island have been claimed.
You are asked to pay the local tax on the rooms but these rooms often go for $250+ a night and the taxes are about $60 which includes fees as well for these premium suites. There is NO weird timeshare presentation or anything like that. These hotels just want to make otherwise empty rooms available to those joining a good cause to help heal the planet and save animals.
Here are some comments we found about the free vacation partnership and 8 Billion Trees:

8 Billion Trees is a membership club that costs only $17/month to join. The main benefit of the 8 Billion Trees is that for each member they plant 10 trees every month! They also save animals and protect forests.
There are a ton of other benefits as well like erasing your carbon footprint (the average American carbon footprint is 2 TONS per month), and big discounts on eco-items.
What if I cancel right after signing up, do I still get the free vacation?
Yes! – Even if you cancel right after signing up 8 Billion Trees will still be happy to give you the vacation voucher. You can even get a full refund on the membership if you ask (but please don’t take advantage of them, they need the money to plant trees).
Right after signing up you will be directed to pick which Hawaii resort you would like for your free resort voucher. Please note there are limited rooms for each and they will go fast so if you want your first pick you should choose quickly.
8 Billion Trees managed to secure this partnership last year and is offering it to all current members as well as all new members that sign up.
If you care about trees or the environment please consider signing up for 8 Billion Trees. This is an amazing offer they’ve managed to put together and you don’t want to miss out!
327 replies on “Get a Free Hawaii Eco Vacation to Help Stop Climate Change”
Would love to help.
Will plant all I can during my stay
I’m a horticulturist and would love this opportunity
I’ve never been to Hawaii and what better way to go Planting Tree
Awesome! Planting Trees!
Would love to plant some trees
I Love trees and animals. Hawaii is my dream destination!
I’d like to help
Love outdoor labor! Will do for the joy of making new friends and also making a difference! Tree time.
This is a beautiful! This is what Our planet needs! I’m in!!!
I’m pretty sure I’m a member already but would still like to get in on the planting trees 🌳
One way of giving back to Mother Earth
I want to help save the planet.. Let’s plant some trees
Planting trees will ensure clean air for our children’s future and beautify the world. I would love to help.
I would give anything if I was younger and physically able. Out planet needs everyone’s help to survive!
What a great way to provide a “win-win” for humans who want to help save the planet
The chance of a lifetime to do what I love 💕
I would love to do more to help save our environment. I consider the earth to be our mother. And believe all animals deserve safe habitats.
I can’t drive however, and so can’t get anywhere to be able to plant trees.
I wish all the success in the world though and thank you sincerely for the work you do.
I would like to get a trip to Hawaii to plant trees.
My husband and I are Horticulturists and we’d love to Help
Please we can help a lot
What a great opportunity! To help the earth and see a place I’ve always wanted to see!
This would be a dream come true for me! Helping save the planet in a beautiful place, PERFECT!
I love this. Would love the opportunity to help plant trees!
Would love to help.
We need to assist the Planet NOW. Thank you A city dweller !
Interesting concept. I would love to help!
Count me in but I have to take my daughter n granddaughter too because I need help getting around but hey they can make up for what I can’t do.
What an amazing opportunity! Helping to preserve our planet in such a fabulous location. I would love to help!
I would be travelling with my two children. This is something we have participates in on the mainland with other non profits. I Love that this is being offered♡♡♡
Absolutely love the concept, I would love to be a part of a team that truly cares about our planet.
Who woulda thought I could help save the planet and write something off my bucket list at the same time!? Go trees in Hawaii!!!
Would love this
Would love my teenage boys to experience helping mother 🌎
Wonderful idea! I would love to be part of this project..
I would love to help save the planet!
I would love to go and help plant trees! What an amazing opportunity!! Would love more information if there’s any. Thank you
Time to help the earth survive!
I am more than happy to help! It’s certainly for a great cause! We can not continue to loose our ecosystem. The animals live off of the foliage and then give back to the foliage. A system!
I would love to go there and help. It would be an educational trip for myself and my husband, plus we would be helping out our mother earth!!
Yes I want to help we need to build up our planet!
I’d feel privileged to be chosen as part of a team to go plant as many trees as possible in the beautiful islands of Hawaii!!!!
Kids would love this
I would love to plant some trees and even better in Hawaii. I am very self conscious about wasting paper and killing trees.. I get on to my co-workers for printing and throwing away paper daily!!!
What a great way to invest in our future and contribute to a worthy cause!
A worthy endeavor if ever I saw one!! ❤️
I would Love to plant trees!! We need more everywhere I would love to help.
Thanks lovely idea will look into it
Hubby, BFF and I are all in for planting more tress! Yay!
Please count me in!!! I’m not working right now, and would absolutely love doing this for Hawaii! Or anywhere in the world . . I may never return to Illinois though hopefully findingy place in the community helping the world and other individuals 🙏✨🥰 I would l love this opportunity!!
Sincerely Sara
I would love to help, I,’m all about nature.
I would love to give back to Mother Earth and plant trees . Being in nature and building a better tomorrow, connecting with like minded people .
What a great idea!
I Am Great At Planting Trees Flowers
We would be interested in helping rejuvenate the world
A lovely plan to plant while on a dream place.
I’m interested
Would love for this opportunity ❤
I would be interested…
I would be interested in hearing more
We would love this. We are both retired and would love to work on your project.
How wonderful to do something like this! We need to take care of our beautiful Mother, and Hawaii is a beautiful jewel in her crown!!
Love to plant tress.
Great opportunity to plants trees.
Do you have to pay for the flight and how long is the stay,
Would love to help. Count me in along with my sister.
I would love to help planting trees and also love animals, love Hawaii too🌺
I have left all my various trees grow. Living in the Pines while my neighbors cut there’s down pitiful. I would love to help.
I’m definitely interested.
It be my pleasure to help with anything that is needed it 🙏🏻. Mother Nature is amazing and so mysterious 🤓🙏🏻❤️
I would love to be a part of this journey! I have green thumbs 🙏🤣
World love to join in
This is a great way to help Mother Nature and at the same time enjoy people with compassion!
I love this idea!
Trees: 100% recyclable, 100% biodegradable, and infinitely renewable. Let’s make it happen!
Would love to be part of something that will benefit our planet. Which can only help the earth we are successfully destroying.
I visited Hawaii once and loved it. I would be so happy to go again. The beaches were so clean and beautiful and the water was so clear I could see the sandy bottom.
Happy to go!!
Sounds wonderful.
Yes I’m in I would live to plant some trees over there.
Such a worth while endeavor.
Sounds wonderful !
It looks so beatifull !
Thanks for all you are doing!
Anything I can do to help nature do its thing. Here to help
I have been to Hawaii several times for vacation and have always wanted to give back somehow but never knew how. This would be a win win for both of us! Sign me up.
I would love to be a part of this!
I am in !
I’d love to help out!
I would totally do this!
That would be awesome.. I’ve never been there💚💖
This sounds perfect!! Count me IN!!
Awesome thing to do !!!
All the trees and all the hugs! Let’s gooooo!
Would. Love to know more about this initiative. Supporting our planet 🌎 is sooo important.
Save the planet.
Let’s do this!!
Would love to participate!!
Plant more trees and make the world a beautiful place!
Saving the earth and a tropical vacation? Yes please.
This is an amazing idea. I am in!
Sounds divine! Would love to help in anyway I can
This would be an awesome experience and do something great for the environment. Would love to be a part of it.
Sounds amazing!
Would love to be a part of this.
This a great way to help our environment. We definitely need to plant more trees. Our planet depends on it.
Let’s do something for our planet!🌳🌳
Sounds great. Will be happy to be a part of saving earth effort.
Great opportunity to travel as well as saving Mother Earth for the next generation to come.
Always down to help Mother Earth! Sign me up!
That’s awesome idea
LET’S DO THIS!!! ABSOLUTELY!! We are needed!!
I love planting trees and taking care of our planet 🌎 I’m IN!!
I would love to be part of this.
Like it!
How do I sign up?
I would absolutely love this opportunity!!!
I’m in.
Yes, this would be an amazing opportunity to help our earth 🌍
ALOHA ! and MAHALO! save the planet..
I would LOVE to be part of this amazing project.
This is awesome I would love to be a part of such a amazing opportunity!!!
Wow. What an amazing initiative.
Would love to help 🌳
I would love to help
I am in on helping the world become more healthy and even more beautiful. ❤️🌴🌳
Hawaii needs me.
Love this ❤️! Help save the earth 🌎
Would totally do this !!!
This is so nice , it is search a great thing to do. Cherry on top of it is the beautiful trip.
Yes I would love to be part of this amazing opportunity.
Sounds like a great opportunity to help save our planet and animals. Love them both. ♥️🦦🌴🌎
Love this concept. I am all about saving Mother Earth 🌎
I would love to do this! Such a great way to give back to mother nature ❤️
Love it 🥰
Excellent initiative
This would be awesome!
I would love to do this. Such a great way to give back to Mother Nature and make our Earth a great place.
Yes absolutely would love too!
I would love to help and get to see a beautiful place that I have always wanted to see ! 🌴🎋🏝
Yes, I would love to !
Plant and Animals…. Our true inspiration!
This sounds so great cause ❤️
I would love to do this!
I would love to help and see the great place. Love the concept
Would love to. Help make the world a better place.
I would love to do this. Hawaii is beautiful.
I love this idea! And in the most amazing place in planet earth! I want to help! 🥰
I would love to help grow the green back!
This is awesome! I’d love to help!
AWESOME!!! 💖🙂💖
I would love to do this I miss home so much ❤️😭
Saving earth is a great thing to do. This is our home and it’s so beautiful so let’s take care of it. ♥️
We are currently sitting in the airport in Honolulu right now and would love to join and come back to save this beautiful area! Count us in!
This is so Amazingly Wonderful!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I would love to help plant trees in Hawaii.
Would love to
Would love to be a part of this. Been Vegan since 2013 mainly for the same cause including the animals. #Vegnfortheplanet.
I would LOVE to help!! My uncle told the family that Hawaii is probably the closest to heaven he’d ever seen. So count me in!
Save the Earth!
Save the Earth!!
I would love to help.
I wanna help this world become a better place! It starts with nature, kindness and compassionate people who care. That’s exactly who I am and what to use it for a good cause. Love all animals and people!
We would love to be part of this amazing opportunity. My boyfriend and i are big on nature and keeping this world greener.
My son dreams of going to Hawaii to see real sugar cane. I’m raising a little earth saving environmentalist. I used to live/work on the North Shore teaching kids “leave no trace.” Eager to help a place I feel is home in my heart
Count me in.
This has always been one of my biggest dreams.
Once planted 3000 trees in Texas. Very fond of this memory and would love to do more planting. Hawaii would be a dream.
I would love to be a part of this!! So awesome!
Love to plant most anything!!!
Love to plant anything‼️
Yes please?!! I would be honored to finally travel to Hawaii and help preserve that beautiful paradise
Hi I’m Shari Grimes from Dayton Ohio. I would love to participate tree and help save the wildlife I think it’s amazing and absolutely I would love to. life I love it outside I’ve never been to Hawaii down in Florida do stuff like that yeah I’m ready to roll out when you guys are fly out whatever call me I think it’d be awesome thanks God bless you all good luck everybody have a safe trip maybe I’ll see y’all there😊🌴🦜🦩🦚🦉🦅🤗
Hi, right know I am in summer break holidays in Waianae Honolulu,Hawaii and we live in NC just 2 day ago we were talking about that, I am a teacher and always trying to be an example for my kids, in Peru my country i was member of the ESD commetee and here i am member of the Global team, need to do something right now to help our Earth. My family will be graful to help
We would love to take part in the opportunity for sustainability
Perfect opportunity. Love nature and making a difference for the better. Sign me up!
Wow What an opportunity. I had been thinking to travel to Hawaii but now to get to give back to this beautiful area of the planet, as well as to help the animals and or growth of trees would surely feel like a trip with a purpose.
Help save the beauty of our planet! Yes, please!
Yes! I would LOVE to be a part of something as wonderful as this!
Me & my son would love to go Hawaii to plant trees to save the planet & keep oxygen in the air we breathe.
I’d love to help
I planted trees in Hawaii in 2001 with my new wife then. Divorced now so I’m willing to go plant more trees. I can stay with family there. Too! When can I go back.
If people realize how good brings just one tree to life we won’t stop planting trees all our life, Please send me more information, this will be a great opportunity to replicate all over the world.
My late father was born and raised on Kauai. It would be a great legacy to help in this effort.
I would love to do this to help Hawaii! clean beaches and give love too 🙂
Sign me
I would love to be apart of this because I’m so huge in making this planet greener. I’m so huge in nature. The less trees we have, the less we have of a lot of other things. Us humans have taken away so much, it would be amazing to put back on the planet.
Help the earth live longer
My husband and I are all about saving the environment and doing whatever we can to help climate change.
We would love a chance to do whatever we can to help the climate. People that don’t believe in climate change are so wrong.
I’m a retired teacher would love to go help.
I would love this opportunity for my family
Would like to help the good cause to stop the climate change.
I would love to plant ALL the trees..if I’m allowed to, or as many as possible!
I love throwing it back to nature!! Would love to do this.
I am a retired school teacher with all kinds of free time! Love nature! would love to be a part of the team!
I would’ve to be part of this amazing opportunity to help the climate and improve the earth by planting trees. This will be a good experience.
My husband and I would love to be a part of this.
Yes help mother earth while having fun, I’m all in.
Take me away
Will plant trees all day
Sounds great!
Thank you for the opportunity to return to Hawaii , My family have been conservationist our whole lives. Ive planted my first pine groves at ages 6,7,8, in Oswego NY . I built my first home in the middle of one of the groves at age 20 . I like to leave every home or property better than i found it . Its became my career . Im willing and appreciative to come over and work . I may also be able to say hi to a few of my teammates and friends there form my time in the 90s paddling with the Lahaina canoe club .
Life can’t exist without out planet #SaveEarthSaveHumanity
My sister and I would love the opportunity to help. Count us in please!
Would love to go to Hawaii and plant trees plus get the chance to see Hawaii also.i love nature.
My bags are packed !!! I am in my 25 th year of working as a Park Ranger, this trip would be a great way to celebrate. I love to learn and teach about the trees in my parks. I know and believe in their importance to all.
I am married and we have two girls. I would love for my whole family to have this experience together to plant trees and save animals.
I’d love to plant trees in Hawaii
This could be our honeymoon trip. What better way to celebrate! Life, love and mother earth!! 🙂
Definitely would love to participate in this opportunity to save the 🌎
Ive been to Maui before and the locals are amazing kind hearted people. My fiance and I would love to help keep Hawaii beautiful and lushes as it is and always should be. Count us in!!
Is an excellent cause to be part of, here I am…
Let’s Goooooo!!!!
I would love to go there to help and plant trees I love plants and animals I’m a nature person 3>
What a great opportunity!
My girlfriend and I have been looking for new exciting ways to travel and help and this would be absolutely incredible!
Would love to plant trees and make this world 🌍 a better place for all..❤️👍
Wow, this is very inspiring
The world has been through so much damage since the pandamic it would be refreshing and a new beginning.
Yes I would love go and help to plant trees
I love to grow things! I have also always wanted to visit Hawaii! Count me in please! ❤️
Plant 🌱 trees would be the treat of a lifetime trip!
I love nature, the planet and everything around it. There is beauty in all.
Trees are our connector to the survival of humans as they provide clean air. They collaborare to help other trees for nourishment and help all to live better lives.
Anything to help mother earth
I would love to be in that beautiful weather to add to that beauty! This is an American dream helping the world go round and enjoying life
#SaveThePlanet #SaveTheAnimals #MotherNature
I would love to help plant trees in Hawaii
Save the Earth 🌍
My Heart and Soul would be honored to Labor for the Love of our Endangered Planet in Hawaii. Although, my back hurts just thinking about the hard Core arduous Labor required to make it happen.
Sign me up pronto please 🙏🏽
I would like to be able to do something about climate change , and planting trees is a good start.
Hello yes I would love to help it would be a great experience of giving back to the most beautiful place on earth my nephew of 13 I. Would love for him. To learn from. This experience as well
Our earth has so much climate change i would live to plant trees and help with our oceans keeping it clean and safe
I was very pleased to find this great site. I need to to thank you for ones time for this fantastic read!! I definitely loved every bit of it and i also have you book-marked to look at new stuff on your website.
I would like to help plant trees in Hawaii.
Id take the opportunity to visit literally ANYWHERE to help save the earth by planting trees! We should also be planting community gardens to help with inflation and it will last years if treated properly! Another way to help people who dont have as much food access as the rest of is! This is such a powerful movement and whoever thought of the idea is a GENIUS !
What an amazing oppertunity to help save the planet .Let’sdo this
I’m in…
A cause of any cause is worth the effort if it’s a righteous cause
How amazing would that be, planting trees in such a beautiful place. Would truly love nothing more. Everyone needs to do there part to save our beautiful planet. Please count me in
Let’s save and plant the trees for our Earth.
This fits right up my alley with helping mother earth I’m into all things positive and definitely saving our planet and on what’s most needed.
I would love to save the earth and help out in any way I can possible
Let’s all do our part!
A WIN…WIN to have such an amazing opportunity to say you helped plant trees WHILE in Hawaii. I say YES to help saving the earth💜💜💜
Sounds amazIng! We live in Oahu!
I wanna be a member of 8billion trees
I would go anywhere to do this for free. Retirement and nothing to do. My wife would love this
Can’t wait
I would love to take part in this good deed for mother earth! How do I sign up?
I m ready to plan as many trees as possible
Trees help us breathe!! Last time I was in Hawaii, I was working on a Kona coffee bean plantation, may as well go back and plant some trees!!! Let’s work together and do some good!
Me and noa love trees!!
Anything that helps Earth I’m in!
My daughter, mom, and myself would love to do this!!!
No better time than now. Let’s make the world a better place. Together.
I’m retired , I love growing everything be happy to come plant up the place. My wife would love this also. Planting and growing is fun
Yes! I’ll plant some trees!
I’m already a traveler for work this will be perfect. I love trees souch that I have them tattooed on me.
I have seen these events on TV and I often wondered how can I help.
I have been looking for.something to do that teaches ecological responsibility. Not JUST putting bottles.and can in the recycle bin!!!!
Thank you for adding me and my daughter to help in saving Mother 🌍 The enjoyment it would be 💯
Please count me in
I would love to be a part of something that helps to better our mother earth 😀😃🙂
I think this is a epic amazing idea and really it’s doing something wonderful for our planet and the future of our world and it’s people thank you,. I would be absolutely abstounded to be apart of something so amazing and wonderful. And to do it in the beautiful land of Hawaii yes please 🙏🥺 take me as I am a professional gardener. Love planting trees flowers shrubs anything that grows. Thanks again for your services
Yours Cordially ,
Tara cathcart
My girls and I would love to be a part of this amazing opportunity and life experience.
I’m ready to go. Sounds like one in a lifetime good trip
I used to own a landscaping business. This would be a great experience to help the environment. I am ready to go.
Let’s make it Beautiful again
Save the trees 🌴 🐢 🐠
This would be extremely rewarding to the EARTH as well as myself….. I am ready to GO, Go >>>>>>>>>>>>>
What an amazing opportunity!!! I would absolutely LOVE to go plant trees! And especially in Hawaii! What more could you ask for?! Count me in!
I would to help erase our carbon foot print. Let’s get planting.
Awesome to plant trees as a community and do our part to reduce the carbon footprint and trees are great partners in our lives.
I would love to be a part of this noble cause
8 Billion trees! MOST DEFINITELY, Count me in!
Traveling AND saving the planet? Count me in!
I would love to be a part of this!! I want to help save the world!
That is my passion
Im in
I would love to be a part of this. I’m all about saving this earth
I would love to help
Would love to help the animal’s and of course plant some trees. Bring back the beauty of Mother Nature 🌳
I can’t wait to participate in saving the animals and plant as many trees as I can. Glad to help!
I’ve been wanting to take a mission trip with my daughters. This would be great as well as we would get quality time and be doing good for mother earth !
I would love ❤️ to contribute to saving animals and planting trees.
Super excited for this opportunity!!!
I’d love to join
I have always wanted to go there. So anytime I’m ready. no ties to hold me back. Thank you
I would love to help!!!!
Would love to help plant trees
Sounds like a fair deal to me look forward to helping the planet and myself at the same time
I would love to see Hawaii and help the planet too.
I would love to join the team to expand environment. ♥️
I thing it’s a wonderful idea, yes let’s plant some trees.
Sounds great, would love to help.
This is amazing! I’d love to go and help the environment and plant trees!
I grew up in Montana and know what trees are all about, this would be a worthy reason to visit Hawaii. My legacy is for people to plant trees in memory of me.
My husband and I would love to do something like this
I love to work in my yard and i never get to go on a vacation i would love to join and help and i would be able to see Hawaii .
Sign me up I volunteer for everything else for a great cause.
Yes! I Am definitely interested in this cause!
Trees are my life. I want to be an eco psychologist. Count me in! I also lived on the Big Island on the Kalapana Coast last fall.
Great Idea!
I want to help to save the planet!
This sounds so amazing I’m totally in
What a awesome way to give back to our mother earth
What a great opportunity. We all need to our part for the environment to ensure the future of all life on earth. This organization is amazing and we’d love to be part of it.
I would love to help and assist with the growth of trees and other things required to keep our planet in good standards!
I love mother Earth is a wonderfull beautifull planet our unique home
We need to save from our bad activities
I would love to plant trees in Hawaii, make our country green again👏👏👏
This sounds like an adventure in itself! Getting in touch with the islands and giving back it’s beauty for the future
This sounds like an adventure in itself! Replenishing and planting trees and giving back it’s natural beauty that everyone has loved and enjoyed.
Ready to help our earth…long time coming… but I know a change gone come
Do good and get to visit a new place? I’m in.
I’ve always loved working outdoors and meeting new people. It sounds fun.
What’s up, yup this paragraph is genuinely nice and I have learned lot of things from
it regarding blogging. thanks.