Get A Free Eco Vacation to Help Stop Climate Change

We just got word of this amazing opportunity that 8 Billion Trees is running! They are giving away a free eco vacations to help plant trees by their team in the Amazon.

They are offering this as a special partnership with hotels around the world to give away vacant rooms free to anyone who helps to plant trees by becoming a member of 8 Billion Trees.

These are some of the locations you can get a free hotel stay for 3-7 nights:

  • Cancun, Mexico
  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Athens, Greece
  • Denver, CO
  • Orlando, FL
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Daytona Beach, FL
  • Palm Springs, CA
  • New York City, NY
  • Nashville, TN
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Virginia Beach, VA
  • Yosemite, CA
  • Boston, MA
  • Miami, FL
  • Hawaii, HI
  • San Diego, CA
  • Atlantic City, NJ
  • San Antonio, TX
  • New Orleans, LA
  • Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  • Mazatlán, Mexico
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Montreal, Canada
  • Niagara Falls, Canada
  • Fiji
  • Paris, France
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Venice, Italy
  • Rome, Italy
  • Kyoto, Japan
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • Boracay, Philippines
  • Moscow, Russia
  • Singapore
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Tenerife, Spain
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Koh Samui, Thailand
  • Phuket, Thailand
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • London, United Kingdom

You are asked to pay the local tax on the rooms but these rooms often go for $250+ a night and the taxes are about $40. There is NO weird timeshare presentation or anything like that. These hotels just want to make otherwise empty rooms available to those joining a good cause to help heal the planet and save animals.

Here are some comments we found about the vacations and 8 Billion Trees:

8 Billion Trees is a membership club that costs only $17/month to join. The main benefit of the 8 Billion Trees is that for each member they plant 10 trees every month!  They also save animals and protect forests.

There are a ton of other benefits as well like erasing your carbon footprint (the average American carbon footprint is 2 TONS per month), and big discounts on eco-items.

What if I cancel right after signing up, do I still get the free vacation?

Yes! – Even if you cancel right after signing up 8 Billion Trees will still be happy to give you the vacation voucher.  You can even get a full refund on the membership if you ask (but please don’t take advantage of them, they need the money to plant trees).

Right after signing up you will be directed to select your location and get the free resort voucher emailed to you.

8 Billion Trees managed to secure this partnership last year and is offering it to all current members as well as all new members that sign up.

If you care about trees or the environment please consider signing up for 8 Billion Trees.  This is an amazing offer they’ve managed to put together and you don’t want to miss out!

Join 8 Billion Trees to Get Your Free Vacation – Click Here

Amy Green

By Amy Green

Amy Green is a journalist and climate advocate who writes on all things eco-related. She is passionate about making a difference for the planet and animals and hopes to inspire others to take action.

286 replies on “Get A Free Eco Vacation to Help Stop Climate Change”

Just got my free vacation for Cancun next month. I can’t wait! Thanks for such an awesome thing to help the planet and animals.

This is so wonderful! We all need to be planting trees and making more breathable life on earth. Thank you!

I joined about a week ago. I also bought 2 tee shirt snd dryer balls. Great organization! I love trees and even pray they stand strong during storms.

I have supported 8 Billion Trees by purchasing several items which I love. I am happy to become a member now and offer even more support! I am 100 % behind what you are doing!!!

Love this idea so much!! Planning to be planted as a tree when it die… what a great way to start early!! ❤🌎

I want to do this. It will help the environment and I appreciate that. Plus the vacation is a nice touch.

I would love to be a part of this plus getting back to nature would be a great change of pace.

I am thrilled to come across this
post. I’ve felt very strong about conservation and wanting to be a part of something significant

Very very Interested

The location is not important to me. What matters most is to do something positive for the environment and animals. If it can be done, then let’s make it so. I would go to help in anyway possible.

Very interested in several locations including South America, Mexico, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy.

I’m interested in planting trees. Friends say I have a green tbumb. I am very much for stopping climate change and I love nature and animals. I am a retiree living in Florida and I am interested in working anywhere in Europe and/or the world.

Awsome insentive. still not want to travel, but still want to plant 8mil trees. I’m from Colorado we just this yr lost 100,000 acres in forest 🔥

I have a great passion to stop deforestation! I would love to help! The vacation wouldn’t be too bad either 😋

Yes sign me up I’m in Valdosta ga I need Orlando Florida vacation and I’m stage 4 cancer patient terminally so I would feel blessed to plant trees and save animal z
I could forever leave am impact of humanity kidness etc before god calls me home

I’m very interested in this opportunity. I’m in the process of going green tiny home mode. I recycle with my van metal plastic and paper. I want to help plant trees.

So excited to precipitate.. my fiancé and I have been wanting to do this … hands on for a long time🌲

So excited to participate in this🌲I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a long time, along with my fiancé.

I’m seriously interested in learning more about this opportunity of a lifetime n to see n experience other parts of the world too

This is such a coold sounding idea to get away to a peaceful getaway while still helping the planet!!

An avid tree hugger!. What a lovely opportunity to have a chance in making a difference…Its for our 🌎

What a wonderful idea 💡………. Last free venture my ex-husband and I chose to vacation was an all paid cruise to the breathtaking Nassau, Bahamas. It turned out to be everything that was offered except when we ventured back to Port of Miami, I had to take out a loan to leave the cruise ship !!! Unfortunately, we were not informed that we had exceeded our credit limit offered for cocktails etc. What an experience !!! 😳 Hopefully this one has a better outcome !!!

I’m super environmentally conscious and advocate for environmentally friendly efforts regularly to my students, coworkers and family.
I would love to experience this and be part of the cause!
Sign me up!

Yes I think this would be a good way to help everybody any help the future then we can say everything’s going to be all right

Looking forward to going on a free vation with no strings attached. And while in the process I’d be helping out with saving the trees and saving the trees will also help with keeping the animals safe as well. I support trees and animals100 percent.

This is something my daughter and I have always wanted to do and we do all we can. What a pleasure it would be to able to do more for our beautiful planet.

I was just interested in saving trees…wow…what a great partnership this is. Keeping the hotels full while saving the planet…it’s a win win 🌎

I am very interested in helping our planet.I’m a certified nurseryman, so I know how to plant anything.

I would love the chance to visit another country and also give my time to helping change and improve the environment.

Would love the opportunity to take my boys to do something this incredible. Be able to show them the importance of stepping up and stepping in to make a difference.

Ive been waiting to be a part of something big. Like this. This is my passion, i want to make a change. I want to be a part of the solution.

Yes Yes Yes This is so necessary What is more important to preserve Peace n Love on the Planet & for our Universe In Love Joy & Gratitude

Saving the environment is an excellent idea, and to be apart of this 8 Billion Trees, would be a good for everyone in the world, wow great idea

I am interested!! Please sign me up , I been waiting for a opportunity to do something like this to help save trees. Love this!!! 🌍🌲🌳❤❤

I am totally a nature woman. Leaving in the woods is my goal. So I would love to plant trees as often and as for as needed!

We should all want to plants these beautiful trees and save the world. And we will be be doing it for future generations ahead due to lack of caring for the world our recent ancestors did. The world needs to be an empathic community, so maybe we can change it 1 tree at a time.

I would love to be a part of helping our planet.
It hurts to see all the damage our planet has received..
The opertinity to rebuild nature would be amazing and forever grateful.

What a fantastic incentive for a great Ecosystem help! I’m interested for sure… Please send more info, thank you.

I think if we all care about our country ❤️ that planting 🌲 trees and intern we save the animals! We can’t go wrong!
I would love 💕 to do this! More information please! It’s time to do more!😊🌲 Save The 🌍 Earth!

Saving our earth by planting more beautiful trees to help save our animals is a must. I would love to volunteer to help our land sacred again.

As we all can make this earth a better place, this is awesome. I see steps being put forward to make a better future. This I would enjoy doing:)

I do not have the money to join the club right now, but this looks like an amazing opportunity for anyone and the planet benefits greatly from this!

This is Awesome! Planting more Trees make all of us breath better and Improves the Earth’s overall problem of us cutting trees…..Would enjoy helping with this! Would be Awesome!

I want to join as a member starting this month.
It’s alwsys been in the back of my mind to help with the environment and this is an awesome thing to do.

Anything to learn something new. Not only would I come but my man would too. I love the environment, an animal care/love and cleaning up to help us for the future.

I am simply stunned because of this brilliant brilliant idea I have no words let’s bring the trees back I say.

I am a vegan and love all things from nature. Saving trees and saving the animal kingdom. I’m in

I’m looking for a way to give back now that I’m retired. I love trees and the environment. What a beautiful idea.

Our earth needs more trees!!!! What a great idea to encourage people to do their part ❤️✨

I think this a great way to help save the planet and at the same time to see just how beautiful this planet earth is and why it is definitely worth saving.

I’ve had a burning desire to save OUR planet since I was old enough to know The pain she is feeling. It’s called mother earth and father God for a reason. God is our father of creation, mother earth is the mother taking care of the children of God‘s creation. He supplied mother earth with everything that we would need to live a healthy happy life. And Satan has done nothing but try to destroy it from the beginning of time. This is an awesome way to show father God and mother earth how much they mean to us. How precious life on this planet is, of all shapes sizes colors creeds breeds it doesn’t matter all life is precious. Thank you for all that you are doing for our fathers wife mother earth. God will see the good the people have done and will be glad in it.

This is a great thing yall are doing, I appreciate this, I wish I came up with this.

Oh I am so down for this! Not only are trees beautiful. But they produce clean oxygen and help this beautiful world we are so blessed to live on. It is my dream to see the world and make a positive difference anyway possible! This is a great place to start! 💞🌴🌲🌏🏞🏝🏖☮️🕉🖼🏕🌺🌴🙏🏽 Let’s save this beautiful world♡

I’m in. I loved trees! A tree saved my life years ago when I was in a bad car accident. My car spun out an off the road during the start of a first rain and a tree caught my car and kept it from landing hard at the bottom of the cliff. I was rescued from the car without a scratch on me or the car! I’m down to plant as many trees as possible!

I love our planet and would love to do this. This is a win-win for us and the planet. I have a green thumb and I know how important it is to increase out tree supply.

I love nature we love to be part of this opportunity opportunity to get away from work phones phones and bad vibes

What an amazing experience for me at this time in my life. I’m so excited to be apart of renewing earth. I can’t wait. 😁💯💯💯

Wow. I’m retired and would love ❤ an opportunity as this. The world needs to be aware of just how important it is for all to be aware and focus on our environment if not for ourselves, then for the future of the children.

I’m interested in helping out. Please put me on some kind of list. Thanks for what you are doing. And let’s get it done!

Okay sign me up … I want to plant some beautiful 🌳 🌲🌴 TREES!🌲 🌴 🌳 … How the heck does this thing work?

WOWSERS! Sounds awesome, I have my passport ready! My roommate and I have been talking about taking a trip somewhere and to be able to help the planet as extra incentive I know will motivate us BOTH. Sign me up!

My name’s Emerson and that sounds fun to help animals in the Earth and stuff because I’m only seven but I know I would love to do that because my mother is going to be listening she’s going to plant with me and I do want to go to that hotel it looks fun and it’s because I just want to help her animals and stuff that sounds fun because I have never ate a piece of meat in my life and when I say life I mean life because when I was like a baby I said no to meet and stuff and it was like three it was just little story about something but yeah I would love to save her yay 💝💝💝💕💕💖💖💓💞🙏🙏💓💓😘😘🌷🌷😊😊💗😇😇🥹🥹💘💘💘💝💝💖💗💓💞💕💌

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