Free Lake Tahoe Vacation to Help Stop Climate Change

We just got word of this amazing opportunity that 8 Billion Trees is running! They are giving away free Lake Tahoe eco vacations to help plant trees by their team.

They are offering this as a special partnership with hotels and resorts in Lake Tahoe to give away vacant rooms free to anyone who helps to plant trees by becoming a member of 8 Billion Trees. These hotels just want to make otherwise empty rooms available to those joining a good cause to help plant trees.

You are asked to pay the local tax on the rooms but these rooms often go for $200+ a night and the taxes are about $20 (sometimes even less). There is NO weird timeshare presentation or anything like that.

Here are some comments we found about the free vacation partnership and 8 Billion Trees:

8 Billion Trees is a membership club that costs only $17/month to join. The main benefit of the 8 Billion Trees is that for each member they plant 10 trees every month!  They also save animals and protect forests.

There are a ton of other benefits as well like erasing your carbon footprint (the average American carbon footprint is 2 TONS per month), and big discounts on eco-items.

What if I cancel right after signing up, do I still get the free vacation?

Yes! – Even if you cancel right after signing up 8 Billion Trees will still be happy to give you the vacation voucher.  You can even get a full refund on the membership if you ask (but please don’t take advantage of them, they need the money to plant trees).

Right after signing up you will be directed to select your vacation dates and get the free resort voucher.

8 Billion Trees managed to secure this partnership last year and is offering it to all current members as well as all new members that sign up.

If you care about trees or the environment please consider signing up for 8 Billion Trees.  This is an amazing offer they’ve managed to put together and you don’t want to miss out!

Join 8 Billion Trees to Get Your Free Vacation – Click Here

Amy Green

By Amy Green

Amy Green is a journalist and climate advocate who writes on all things eco-related. She is passionate about making a difference for the planet and animals and hopes to inspire others to take action.

232 replies on “Free Lake Tahoe Vacation to Help Stop Climate Change”

I believe very strongly in preserving our forests and our natural resources. I think that the deforestation that is occurring within our country is a shame. Our forest need to be preserved.

Would love this opportunity to help the Earth and repair the damage too. Planting trees would be a great experience. My kids and I can do this and it would be amazing to be able to go together. It’s 3 of us.

I want n would love 2 help!!!! I have been complaining about this for several years now about how they keep cutting down our trees for industries, warehouses, etc. It’s sad. I see way 2 many building being put up where trees used 2 be n now the buildings are empty 🥺😢

This is gr8 cause. This organization should travel all over the US and plant trees where needed.
I will like to participate.
Thank you for all you do

I am a tree hugger!! I would love to get my hands in the soil to plant lots of trees. It’s so good for the soul and brings peace to my soul.

I’m teaching my son about recycling and our planet. This would be a great learning experience for him and learning what it is to accomplish environmental triumph in small steps ♥️♥️

I would be honored to be apart of such an amazing opportunity. Nature, adventure and pure happiness sounds like the perfect trip/ opportunity to change! One tree at a time! 🌲

I love trees! I teach yoga, and meditate with trees and plants outside. I care a lot about the world, the environment, and replanting trees is so important!

PS I’d love to bring my kids. I’d love to teach them how it’s important for them to help the environment and world growing into adults.

Human beings and all creatures of mother Earth are symbiotic in nature we need them they need us for survival on Gods green earth. I teach my four-year-old daughter to love nature not even hurt an insect and not pick a flower 🌺 unless she’s going to water it intend to it in the house. That’s a beautiful cause.

I love Lake Tahoe and just knowing you will be planting for generations to come is something worth doing. Lets keep Tahoe full of trees!!!

Oh, yes. I can smell the trees already.

Zephyr Point watched me and my father before me grow up. Miss you, Cabin #36!

I am a mom with 2 kids, 15&12yrs, I would love to share something meaningful like this with them!!!

Looks like a great opportunity to provide service for our community in California

As well as personally take a breather in a beautiful place like Tahoe I have not been on a vacay in over 20 plus years

doing something I like planting trees on the vacation is fine with me

Glad to help plant trees – lake tahoe is terrific too..

Psalms 1:3 “ He will be like Tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. And everything he does will succeed.

I absolutely love nature. I hear my cousins talk about Lake Tahoe and I’ve never been. I would be elated to plant more trees, create more clean oxygen for the environment. I enjoy doing anything positive for this beautiful earth, the beautiful animals in it, and the beautiful people in it.

This can be something to check off my bucket list , I love that I can be apart of something that’s helping out eco system 🌍

This is such a great opportunity!! I would love to participate. A few years ago, while in college for Biology, a group of us students helped save tons of rare and endangered plant species. We removed them, raised them at the college greenhouse, and after the work was finished on that parcel of land, we replanted them. I was so grateful to be a part of that. I would love to do more. Conservation of nature and animals is my calling, my passion!

Yes yes yes! I would love to be a part of this event! I am a nature freak and do anything to fix things in nature that others have undone!!! ✌️🫶🏼☀️

This is exActly what we need and a great way to start a ripple affect in doing positive things on this world, for this world, and all other worlds out there. Save one to save them all it takes just one to start that ripple…

This would be a great cause for my children and I to do together. It’s such a learning experience for our younger generations!

I would love to have any opportunity to make places more green and help conserve this beautiful place to our future generations

Hi, I would love to be apart of something so special and big. I’d love to give back to our earth and help plant trees.

I’m so up to be involved in this organization! I used to plant trees where there was wildfires in our forest in my preteens and teen years. Would be great to do this now w/ my daughters and show them the importance of bringing people together and help save the world

A Sanctuary That Beauty Has No Compare And Would Love To Be Part Of Something That Would Keep What
God Made Perfect~

I would love to be apart of this I also want to be able to plant more trees in Hartford CT AND BUILD GARDENS if anyone in this area know how to go about that please I’m all ears we need to save our world so our future gent won’t have too

Trees are our leafy giants. They give us the very air we breath, and without them we are doomed. I love nature and would love to be a part of this amazing opportunity.

I’ve been wanting to go on vacation, but has been struggling financially. If I get a chance to be part of this, it would be an awesome experience and vacation where I get to go on vacation for a good cause to help restore Mother Earth and stop climate change.

I was born in grass Valley raised in Lake Tahoe an Placerville the sierra Nevada mountains are the playground of my childhood and future generations should know that beauty and majesty. Also I believe education is extremely important to teach the value that the planet provides everything we need as human beings including the air we breathe and the water we drink! We can’t live without trees and trees can’t live without us!

Would love to give back to mother earth any way possible, we humans are and have been making her sick.

LOVE this! I live in Northern CA and travel throughout to visit family often and the graveyard of trees I pass through hurts my heart I get choked up and my chest feels heavy I love this and can not wait to involve my entire family in this project!

This reminds me of my middle school days where we would te plant trees and go into the forest and learn about wildlife. I would love to be apart of this!!

I grew up and ran on the data and went to Tahoe quite often as a child. We would love to come up and help help plant trees and visit my old stomping ground.

I grew up and ran on the data and went to Tahoe quite often as a child. We would love to come up and help help plant trees and visit my old stomping ground.

I’m getting older I’ve always been passionate about this world and about animals in particular I feel like this planet deserves a break and some help from all of us I want to be that help!!!

Wow what amazing energy felt here 👏 I would like to be a member! I would love to help keep part of our planet fresh and free to breathe!

“Be like a tree; stay grounded, keep growing, and know when to let go.”

Thought I’d share one of my favorite quotes about trees. It would be an honor to be part of this mission to make our corner of the world a bit better.

I grew up in Nebraska City. We call it the home of Arbor Day. Trees have always been an important piece of the world, to me🌳🌲🥰

I LOVE The Idea,More States Need to be on This Also. But to Help Our Planet Survive This Needs to Happen ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE. But One National Forest After Another,We Could Help This Nation Rebirth of Our Forest’s. I Would Love To HELP .

The world is so important for the future of our kids and grand kids. If everyone did their part now the future will be that more safer!

Awesome! I am doing my best in Cambodia 🇰🇭 to plant, protect and save 🌲 trees and animals in Kompong Chhanng. I love to network and learn more.

My daughter lives and works in the area and is also very passionate about climate change and the overall environment in Tahoe. Good luck with your project.

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