We just got word of this amazing contest 8 Billion Trees is running until the end of July! They are giving away a free Eco vacation to come plant trees with their team in the Amazon.
When you sign up to become an 8 Billion Trees member your name will be entered into the contest (more details below).
They will be paying for all of your expenses including travel, stay, and food. But they do ask that you pay for any souvenirs or personal items you buy on the trip. Also they required that you go on the trip this year.
The trip lasts 7 days and will take you into the Amazon where you will…
Grow fresh trees at 8 Billion Trees’ nurseries…

Visit a remote tree planting site along the Amazon river…

Join the 8 Billion Trees team in a real planting operation…

And visit the wildlife sanctuary where you can meet endangered animals that are being given emergency veterinary care before being returned to the wild.

8 Billion Trees Membership Details
The membership club is a monthly subscription that erases your personal carbon footprint, plants trees to heal the planet, and saves animals. They are the only people actively working to save the Amazon Rainforest.
You can cancel or ask for a refund at any time and still keep your spot in the contest, but please do not take advantage of this amazing team trying to heal the planet.
If you care about the environment or helping stop climate change, this is an amazing opportunity to make a real impact and also get the chance for the trip of a lifetime.
432 replies on “Free Eco Vacation to Help Stop Climate Change”
I just joined and can’t wait to see the winners revealed!
I just joined to become a member. Even if I don’t win the contest it feels so great to support this amazing organization that is making a real difference.
I hope I get picked! What an amazing vacay idea
Stop the greed save the planet.
I’ve been fighting for the planet and a clean environment ALL my Life ❣️
I would love to enter the contest and help save the planet. I am passionate about good causes like this. I work in healthcare in COVID Testing and my background is in Sports Medicine.
This is a fabulous idea! I just love it! I can’t think of a better way to encourage people to plant trees …
This would be such an opportunity of a life time!!!
Awesome cant wait to take a millions of photos!! Beautiful view !!
Restoring the land.
I want to be a part of the change to help save our planet and all the creatures great n small
Lets go a planting.
Been accused of both being the crazy cat lady and a tree hugger you don’t have to be labeled to care about mother Earth and the magic that she holds in her Flora fauna and in her wild animals and tamed animals and human animals I love mother Earth I would love to win even if I don’t I would like to come help sign me up
For the world my grandchildren will live in.
Love trees! Let’s do this!
Throwing my hat in the ring!!
This seems to reasonable to be able to help.
A worthy endeavor
I want to be part of a plating operation!
Cool project!
This sounds amazing.
Mother Earth father time. Us humans are the bridge in between
What an awesome concept 🌈 I’m in it to win it!
For a vegan and environmentalist, this trip would be epic!
I would absolutely love to participare in this wonderful plan!
If plant. I love gardening and the earth!.
WOW this would be sooooo cool!
Saving the amazon and our planet!
Let’s stop this before time runs out
What a cool thing and great idea. I’ve no doubt you’ll get your quota.
I love gardening and planting trees in my city. I have trespassed on city property to plant native trees, nut bushes and trimmed walnut and mulberry bushes. I would love to go to the Amazon and experience the lungs of our earth.
The Amazon is the lungs of the earth . I’d love to be part of this project to help the earth and global warming. Be part of the solution that restores the natural order of the earth would be outstanding . .
I as a teacher for 40 years always taught my students to value planet Earth and all of its creatures. We worked on many projects to raise awareness with regards to the plants and animals with which we share this precious world.
Right in line with my interests! Travel, ecology and climate change! Well, and wildlife. And cats and dogs! And oceans.
I believe we can do this!! We have to believe that our good actions together can Save this Planet and it’s inhabitants, Especially the Animals who have lost their Habitats because of uncaring human activity!!
The best kind of get away is when you are busy doing good works and also seeing new adventures!
It would be so awesome to be a part of planting trees.
Thank you so much for all you do. I would love to be a part of this.
Fantastic mission, thank you!
Will love to be part of this . Love mother nature she is my best friend 😊
I’ve so wanted to learn much more about an eco friendly life style and climate change. I’d love to be a part of the changes that need to be made
HELLO, I would go and plant trees, I would like to give something back to Mother Earth and all animals. Please enter me in this beautiful conservative trip. Thank you, Bruce
Thanking you all in advance.
Count me in would love this opportunity. Trees are my passion
I can’t wait to go
This is an experience that am sure my family and I would cherish and grow from while helping the Earth! 🌍 💜
This would be such a great experience!
David Attenborough, Jane Goodell, Smokey the Beae!!…..EVEN Pope Francis!!!
Love a chance to do this
I’m very interested.
Awesome idea
Love This!
We are all one family (Human, animals and trees) our home is the Earth
What a wonderful gift!
What an opportunity!!
Absolutely an amazing & ultimately phenomenal project to be a part of the well being of our Planets Endangered Wildlife & our Ecosystem!!
It would be an amazing opportunity to be able to actually do something to help. Let me know if I could participat
Simply beautiful
Hi it’s an Amazing thing to save the planet and Trees and add Amazon and of course the Animals for survival..Best of luck to everyone!!
So happy to be apart of this!!
Love & light! 🙏🏼🌲🌱
I don’t believe that I would be chosen as I’m a 68 year old woman. But this would be a wonderful trip and would be helping the planet.
As a retired veterinary technician and wildlife rehabber. I value our planet, it’s wildlife, plants and eco system. I have a great deal of respect for Mother Nature and all that she provides!
I would love to make a difference in our rapidly changing world. This is an amazing opportunity and I’d love to get my hands dirty.
I plant trees twice ayear through Arbor Day Foundation! I would love to be part of this team and give mother nature back her forests! Nothing makes me happier than to help our planet❤
i will
Our environment is too precious to destroy.The rainforest had taken a beating and still is. This is so great. Thank you for caring, all who are helping. You are all heroes.
What an awesome concept! Especially there. Doing something positive to help, not just lip service. Groups like this don’t just plant trees, they plant ideas. Helping us to see how a solution looks. Good on all of you.
Looks heavenly
I wish more people would do this!! My 15 year old daughter cares more about saving the planet 90% of the adults I know.
What a wonderful way to teach & learn when one comes back home! Animals, trees, the earth is so beautiful!!!! Let us all participate wherever we are!!!!
Please, please, please, let it be me…
I want to plant trees and save animals
Can’t think of anything I would love more than this❣️
Love this program
Save the planet, save yourself
I would love to be part of this. Our earth is so beautiful and so important.
Would love to do this. The Earth is the best, and Mother Nature deserves to be helped, for all life.
Either way, we win!
This is so amazing. So glad to see fks participating.
Trees, so simple.
Hoping I have a reasonable chance.
I would love to help 💕
Just what I wanted to do for my retirement! Let’s go!
Sign Me Up !!!
This is such an amazing opportunity! Are existing members eligible? I cannot think of a better way to spend a vacation than helping heal Mother Earth and the animals that live within her. ❤ I would pay to go. I went to Costa Rica years ago to restore it’s forests and create a trail system for all of us to enjoy. It was the most memorable vacation I’ve ever had. 💛
Sounds like a dream trip!
Of course this would be my love my passion
Please help the planet
Good job, this is an amazing way to motivate in a positive way
As an owner operator of a startup green energy company. This would be great. To literally start from scratch .
Please allow me the opportunity to help my beautiful world. Not only for my children, but for the future of all living things here.
This sounds so amazing!
What an amazing opportunity to give back to Mother Earth/ Gia. It would be an honor to be chosen.
iM so xcited 2B a part of a grand helping hand 🥳
indeed iM xcited 2 help 🥳 tks 4 this opportunity
woohoo! Yes, signed up … and ready to travel to help, too!:)
I bought parts of the rainforest way back in the 80’s to conserve it. That was my first attempt to help save our planet. I’ve been doing what ever I could in small ways ever since.. I love this idea.
Im totallly in!
I would love to be a part of this exciting adventure to help out Mother Earth.
Id be happy to take part in a cause like this,,Love nature and wildlife,,and could really use a vacation !
I do hope beyond words that hundreds volunteer as this area is truly in need of saving and bringing back to good health for the sake of a live-able earth!!!
Greetings from the Windy City!
Fifty years ago my high school biology teacher, Mr. White, taught us about recycling ~ years before that I learned about endangered/protected species while on a Girl Scout trip to a local forest preserve (I wanted to pick some trillium). I’ve been a member of Nature Conservancy since college. My love of and concern for our environment is boundless…I’m a bird watcher & a gardener. Let me help!
I would love to do this! Iv been teaching my kids to plant trees to give us more oxygen and try keep world beautiful!
That is an amazing vacation idea. I live in Arizona but I’m native to Iowa and Missouri. I’d love a chance to see and plant trees again.
I would love to do this!
This is an amazing cause. Would love more information.
Let’s continue to fight against the change that’s happening. We just can’t go outside anymore. Plant a 100 trees. So we can breathe and string up these polluters.
Thank you for sponsoring this project.
Let’s combat climate change and build a better future 💚 I would be honored to join this project. I’m a hospital nurse aid working 12 hour primarily night shifts so miss out on more outside time than I’d like—this job would cure my nature fever!
This is great, my daughter goes to Rowan University for Environmental Sustainably studies!! So happy to see we’re not alone!!!
Would love to know the Amazon habitat while and as it exists now, today. To know first hand what is so important an area of the planet we must protect will reinvigorate my resolve to enlist fellow citizens of the globe to fight for the preservation of the lungs of the planet.
Thank you for this project! Wow just so happy to donate!
I would love to see the Amazon. I have never had a chance before.
This is an excellent an idea to show earth we care. I love it
This is a great cause to help save our planet from deforestation. Nice accommodations in the woods! Love to be there and help!
Thanks for the opportunity to help. I’m 55 and it scares me how much damage is done by demolishing the forests everywhere. Animals have nowhere to go and losing their feeding source. Thanks for all you are doing to replenish.
I’ve never planted a tree, but I’m willing too try. I love trees. Sign me up!!
This is amazing! If everyone and every organization would put the planet as our main priority we would get out of this mess we created! Thank you for organizing this amazing event!!
My daughter and I really would enjoy helping save the beautiful Amazon that the Lord created for us now and forever ☺️🌻
I am 51 and my kids are just now old enough that I can do something like this while I am still in good shape! I have always wanted to do something like this!
We have 4 college educations to help pay for, so I hope I get picked!!
My daughter is an environmental sciences major, so if for some reason I can’t go, I know she will!
This would be a trip in a lifetime
Good Idea
Amazing opportunity. We need to make people generally concious of the Amazon being a lung of the earth.
Great idea, would love to experience this.
I’ve never heard of such a beautiful opportunity. We need to keep growing trees and stop the destructive mess we’ve caused by killing them and cutting them down for our own selfishness. I’d love to be part of saving our wonderful earth.
Travel, animals, ecology and climate change?! Sign me up!
I’m of the mindset & live life as experiments it seems a huge part of appreciation & restoration of nature. This is where we have the choice to do such. Thank you
What a brilliant idea!
This is soo need in our world now! We need to come together and take our responsibility to take care this plant that our Heavenly Father and our creator has given to us!
I’m definitely volunteering for this. Love this idea.
Green Earth!
I would love to help out with acting trees
I would to participate with everyone who is doing this,would be a nice experience giving back to Mother Earth!
Thank you for inviting me to be a helper.🦋🦋🦋.
To actually turn talk to action is a breath of fresh air ! I am an Xfirefighter wildland federal Goverment ! I was a hot shot squad leader and fell thousands of trees to prevent and hold the wildfire line ! I have always regretted the indiscriminate orders chop it or cut it down no rhythm or reason only do ! Now to actually plant some back like in thousands man or mother as in Mother Nature yes yes please I am In ! Even if you do not choose me I and Mother Earth thanks you ! Earths Angels !!!
Thank you. I’m a nature lover and animal person. This is a wonderful idea and cause. I truly appreciate the team.
Would love to join, my husband and I are passionate about the earth would love to help
As a neophyte advocate for environmental justice who has a business concept that involves death care and trees THIS would make my LIFE!
This is an amazing contest 🙂
To have a once and lifetime vacation and plant trees too is incredible 😍
My husbandamd I are almost done building our greenhouse
I believe in conservation 100%
I’m interested!!!
I am a current monthly sponsor. I would like to be included in this opportunity!
It’s time to make a big impact on the environment! I would love to do something to help.
What an awesome cause to support! I want to get more involved 💝
Said The lorax save the trees! the trees are so delighted in US humans finally being stewards of them and the animals are so delighted as well! My dog 🌟 and I would love to come she’s a wild coyote at heart in a little Brussels griffon pug Pomeranian Chihuahua body.
Absolutely fabulous venture.
Save our oceans as well..
Both are desperately in need of our love and compassion to offset the damage done to our planet
People need to Stop “passing the buck”!!!
It IS up to the human race to do the BEST we can for OUR EARTH💜!!!!!!!
I would love to help🌻
What a fantastic idea. I’m all for it.
This sounds amazing and rewarding. Trees trees and more trees. Yes please!
This would be awesome! I love being outside and connecting with Nature! Since the arrival of Covid I have felt so isolated and alone.
I would love to volunteer my time to plant trees
This sounds like a very grand vacation in the amazon where you get paradise. Me ide be tripping on Eaten by an anaconda. Or taken and sacrificed by some native tribe….. lol…..
Still wonderful opportunity if your optimistic enough to not have worries of the real world chances……
Thank you for this fabulous idea and great magnificent possible adventure
I’m so happy I saw this on Facebook!! Of course, I’d love to win the trip, but I know I’d still be winning because of all the hard work being done to save our planet!
I have yet to make a change in the Amazon! The Amazon is in one of the last two continents that I haven’t visited yet! I wouldn’t mind getting dirty for a good cause whilst taking in the experience at the same time!
I hope they pick me for this amazing cause…love trees
Saving the planet one tree at a time!!!! Dig this idea 💚🕉🌎☮
Anything I can do to save Gods lands, I AM IN. THANK UOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY
This sounds amazing! I’d love to be apart of this movement 😁❤️❤️
You should allow people to purchase this as a trip!
That way you can make even MORE money as I would be happy to pay for this for having the experience with my family!💪💜🙏
Would love this!
It would be an absolute honor to be chosen for this. I cannot think of a better way to give back to our Mother Earth.
Sounds like a great purpose filled vacation. Count me in.
So like a way to give back some great energy since they give us so much.
This would be a check of my bucket list. Do something big to help the Environment!
What a truly amazing opportunity! I would be honored to help plant trees and stop climate change. Here’s hoping!
In the San Francisco Bay Area where I live, I not only plant trees and other plants but I also volunteer helping pull plastic and other man made pollutinits out of the Bay. All of us on the planet working together, we can make a difference.
I’m a single empty nester as of this year.i am looking to travel and would love to help plant trees. Count me in
There are very few chances in this life that I have to make a true difference, with the exception of my family members of course. I’ve always wanted to be a part of something BIGGER, just never knew how or what. This would be an awesome opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the planet and I’d be so honored to be a part, as I’m sure everyone else applying. It’s also one of the only ways I’ll see something other than the flat lands of Kansas, lol..
I would love too
This would be amazing!!
Would love to help. Who would I reach out to in order to simply rent for a week in the tree fort
Pick me
So excited and hope I can be part of this.
I’m SO down with this! Let’s go green team!
Climate altering action is needed now! Being a part of the Amazon reforestation is a noble, worthy cause.
What a fantastic idea!!! Thank you💜
This would be a dream for the planet and I get to do my part!
I get to help the planet? Sign me up!
Such a great idea! Mother Earth 🌎 Love it or leave it! 🍃
I would absolutely love to do this!!!
This looks like a dream come true and the whole premise is so incredible and magical!
would love to help the enviroment
Wow! What an amazing opportunity! I talk to the trees in my neighborhood. I tell them how beautiful they are and how much I appreciate all they give us. My granddaughter and I go to a special tree and talk to it. Absolutely amazing cause!❤️🙏🏻
Clotilde Barnes
I compost at home, and try to eliminate the use of paper at offices I work at, little bit a day every day, it does Influence people after a little bit.
Trees are the answer to saving our planet and wildlife! Would love to have my college kids come and join me in this planting adventure!
Blessed be
Fingers crossed.
I better be a part of this! You all have my motherly hands and my fatherly strength to take on this heavenly project! It would be an honor! I am so so proud about this! Wishing this glorious harmony!
Amazing idea I’m a single mum and my son and I love caring for the earth. We would love to go on vacation and help out
Regards and all the best
Plz help support
I would love to do this,huge environmentalist,I’m so sick of my life here,would love to be part of this,dream come true.
I would love to go and do what ever i can help mother earth.
Just perfectly aligned ❤️
My girlfriend and I are very earthy people. We do the best we can to protect and teach our children to value and protect our earth and it’s creature. We would love to be a part of this amazing opportunity to help do something so important for mother Earth.
Well, I’m a tree hugger from Oregon and this would be AWESOME 🥰🥰🥰🥰
This soooo awesome! That would dream come true.
Would love to do this, I planted trees in Oregon back in early 80s in my youth!!!
I would love to be a part humanity that is willing to change the world for the better and cares about the children and animals their now and our impact nature that will be on earth when we are no longer boots on the ground. I would also like to film the process, as well. Just need the facts the faces, and the stories from the locals and visitors, and my camera. From the perspective on the environmental impact to their personal stories before and after the experience. I believe a lot will go down a lot will need to be said, and everyone’s perspective will be heartfelt and something that will leave an everlasting footprint in the sand, for all today and forever. The buy
Am a healer. All living things. I’ve planted a tree every year since three. My daughter and I would love to heal the earth and I feel drawn to help for a bigger reason in these times. Honest,humble and truthful. Ty for your kindness. Blessings , Lexi
Good luck 🤞 to all who are here, Mother Gaia is healing..
Helping save the planet one tree at a time with people that have the passion to do so
Yes! Anything I can do to help save 🌎 and raise vibration! Very passionate about giving back to Mother Earth for all that she provides and a huge heart for wild life!
This event is something meaningful that I truly cherish. Please keep me in the loop, regardless if I’m not chosen to participate.
Wow that sounds amazing to win a chance in helping The Amazon I’m so grateful you all care so much for Our planet Thank you so much and GOD BLESS YOUR GREAT WORK 🙏💖🙏
I would love to have a vacation there where is the information.
This is an amazing experience to be a part of a larger plan to help the earth and animals.
To be able to contribute and make a positive difference is what life is about! Excited to see and hear more about this amazing group of people!
I’m all in !
Always,willing to help ALL forms of NATURE,,that humans and governments try’s to destroy
I have Parkinson disease
Which I am sure was brought on by paraquat exposure when I was a kid. So would like to go help plant trees to help the environment while I can still get around to do it. Help mother earth 🌎 while I am still alive to do it???
This is something I always wanted to do. I want to help Mother Earth by planting more trees, also always wanted to visit the Amazon and the animals there. I would love to experience this vacation.
This is something I always wanted to do. I want to help Mother Earth by planting more trees, also always wanted to visit the Amazon and the animals there. I would love to experience this vacation.
It’s the save the wildlife that caught my eyes! Planting trees is a bonus!
This sounds like a awesome experience and opportunity to make a difference in this world!
I would love to do this
This would be a dream come true!!!
Everyone should Hug a Tree
Tks 4 a wonderful opportunity 2 help planet earth in A time most in need 🥰 iM excited 2B A part of something grand 😉
Would loveto help
This would be a dream come true. I am all about saving the environment so that my children and grandchildren have something to look forward to.
Massive and wonderful way to Hug Many Trees! 🌴🌲🌳🌴🌲🌳🌲🌳🌴🌲🌳🌲🌴🌳🌲🌴
It’s great to see the forest get replanted.
This would literally be a dream come true! I would love to help mama Gaia in any way I can!
Nice. I am.available
Great way to make people aware and to get involved.
Such a trip would allow me to do more about the environment than just caring for my own property, not using plastic and voicing my concerns about the planet. As a nature and wildlife lover, this would be a trip of a lifetime!
Nature gives SO much, it’s time we gave back in return. It would be an honor to plant a tree and contribute to nature and wildlife. 🙏🙏Please pick me for this lifetime dream and experience, so that I can proudly share it with my grandson❣️ Thank you 🙏
I would love to be able to help with this tree planting group. Plus it would be awesome to see the Amazon!
Thank you for the possible opportunity to see the amazing oxygen and climate protecting gorgeous place that the world has to save.
My favorites! Yes, please
What an awesome opportunity to give back to Mother Earth what we have taken from her. I would be honored to represent mankind on this epic journey.
What a great idea!
Reforest and plant the world and stop consuming it
Let’s make it better for future generations
Sounds like the perfect vacation for me
Lets do it!
I am very concerned with global warming. Climate change is real and if we don’t do something about it now our kids, our grandkids will deeply suffer. It’s a critical time where if we actually do something drastic now, we can actually make a difference and give our kids and grandkids a fighting chance. I want to do everything I can to make a change!
I am tree hugger, nature lover with a green thumb and care for animals with my whole heart. What a great concept to get this kind of vacation. Love to think that we can still save this neglected planet Earth.
It’s time I give back.
This is amazing how awesome it would be to be a part of this! I would love to go
Nothing better than trees and animals! 🙌🏼
What an incredible and worthwhile experience!
This sounds awesome!!! I would love to be apart of saving the planet!
Thank you for all you do!
I am already a monthly donor but would consider upping my donation to become a member. Also wanted to suggest planting trees in this country in the lower income urban areas because as The NY Times just wrote about, the disparity between the middle and upper class, who live surrounded by trees, vs. the lower income areas, is astronomical. The lack of trees elevates temps by 10° in these areas, contributing to deaths during heat waves. Trees = life. ALWAYS! Which is why I love this organization!
I love the outdoors and would love to help beautify it more
Omg I want to do this soooo bad it would be the best 21st birthday gift ever
Let’s go plant trees 🌳
I would love a chance to help make this difference and create a healthier planet!
I would LOVE to do this!!
I wish everyone would contribute to this project! It would be an honor to participate
Sounds great… just a little too pricey.
I can’t wait to see who wins! This would be an amazing adventure!
OMG! I hope I am picked!
I am all about saving the Amazon, rain forest and all its beauty.
We need to leave things as GOD meant for it to be.
YES, I will go❤
I love gardening it relaxes me and I’m in touch with nature before starting my day.
I would love to be part of this journey.
This was a dream of mine, to make a difference
I’m reading about the sixth extinction caused by humans and I would love to help protect habitats that protect species. I’ve been an avid climber, hiker and outdoor adventurer for 35 years. I would love to give back to r natural world.
I’ve always loved the outdoors and would enjoy doing this to help preserve the forests for future generations so they have the opportunity to enjoy nature as I do.
I’m a science teacher. Yes please!!!
This would be such an Earth changing experience!!
As the world changes and we grow through what we go through, the Earth is resetting herself and she needs us the most!! This is something that sits heavy in my heart and soul.
My family and I are looking into starting a permaculture homestead and our goal is to caretake our earth and focus on reforestation.
There is so much damage to undo and even one person, planting one tree, matters! Matter matters and we all matter! Plants, animals and all living creatures alike! Myriad creatures in harmony with all the beauty that surrounds us!!
This life is so beautiful and we are so blessed to have this Earth to live and thrive on.
I have been looking into different programs and opportunities for my family and I to embark on with mission and ecological work and this would be so extraordinary!!
I believe we can grow back to basics and heal through the gut, nature and nurture the soul, mind and body! We can work together and be one and at peace with the world around us!!
I pray this mission is successful and if I we’re to be blessed with an opportunity to participate I would be truly grateful!!
Thank you so much for doing this and for your time and consideration!!
Warmly sending love, light and wellness!!
First I’ve heard of the 8 billion tree team.
What an amazing project this must be. Of course I’ll sign up to be a member. It’s an opportunity to do something positive for Mother Earth. Thank you.
I’d be honored to be a member.
Thank you,
I would love to plant tree. I want to give back.
I plant trees here in big basin and Santa Cruz. I’d love to do it in another region to see another ecosystem.
I love the 8 billion trees. My kid loves this, thank you so much for conservation. The gulf of Mexico where I grew up is literally on fire and I would really like to help plant some trees to help reforest from the recent fires all over the Amazon.
Great labor. All you are true hero’s
What an awesome opportunity and experience to share with my son.
Love saving the world and planting trees
Yes please! And thank you!!
I was devistated to hear that the Amazon was being chopped down to provide farm land for people encroaching on the Amozon. This is an ecosystem that MUST be preserved. I would be honored to help plant trees and restore these valuable forests.
I see paper wasted or cardboard boxes thrown out and I ache. Looking at wood furniture in stores bothers me so. Planting trees is so important. I hope more people feel this way soon.
I’m in! Let’s save the planet together!
I am in to help save our future 4 ourselves & our children..Amen
I’m in!
It would be nice at my age to win this.
Great idea!
So grateful!!!! I hear trees talk and they are so happy when we love and plant the especially near others! You are doing such great work!
I cant wait to be a part of this earth 🌎 work !!
This is the best thing ever!
I’ve always had a green thumb hate the thought that we’re going through climate change we’ll love I’m in change I would love to see our world truly green
So cool!
Saving the Amazon Forest is of uber need! God bless you all who have donated and your generations will be grateful that you cared enough about them to do this!!! 🙌🏽
One word: yesssssssssssssssssss!!!!!! 💕🌏🌟
I am so willing and able to do my part for the next generations to come . Let us leave a planet filled with life and not death. Trees are a Life source.
I think this is an amazing opportunity to help our Mother Earth. I this could happen all over the world more often it would slow down pollution, regulate climate control, and we could have fresher air. Even if I don’t win I support your cause.
Love trees
I love nature And would so enjoy helping plant trees
I truly would love to do something like this.
This would be one more accomplishment I’ve done in my life.
Such a great cause!!!
Wish I could be there to help you out too!
I love animals amd I love nature! I’m in!! 😍💗
it’s something I’ve always dreamed of. And also be part of help, be part to make difference
There’s no greater reward than giving back… what an awesome opportunity!! I will cross my fingers 🌈
An amazing idea!
What an amazing , beautiful thing to have the privilege to be a part of
Yes Thank you so much 🥰
I would love this & my son (brilliant with Autism) wants to save the earth. What a way to get the dream started! 🌎
This would be an amazing trip from helping to seeing the Amazon and animals.
Would love to be able to give back by doing this!
I am some how related to John Muir…and i am a rehabilitator for wild animals. I would love to go and plant trees and see other animals.
Wow. Great opportunity and prob a once in a lifetime opportunity at that!
Interested in Joining!
I’d love the opportunity to help! 😊
I’ve planted a lot if tress here in Oregon, it would be a blessing g to any in the Amazon.
This is such a rewarding way to spend a vacation. I would love to go and get involved in all aspects of helping mother nature.
I’ve always been interested in eco-restoration projects and would love to help restore the area
We need to restore our planet . Mother Nature provides for us, it’s our turn to give back .
This is an amazing idea!
Love nature
I’d love it.
We all need to do our part
This speaks to my heart so much!
I will absolutely love to do this! I will sleep in at tent just to help!! Just get me there! Who knows, I’ll probably stay😀😘
Always have been and will be a tree-hugger. This would be such an amazing experience!!
This sounds like an awesome opportunity in making a difference one tree at a time.
I’m really looking forward to this vacation where I get to do something important as well.
Paying it forward would be fantastic.
My wife and I would love to join!
Need to restore the Amazon to its former glory!
Sounds like my type of vacation!!!
I’m all in
Count me in!
I love this!
Oh I am all about the environment and nature ; bringing awareness and help to endangered species! Prayer to Win this!
I would love to participate!
I’m interested and I have plenty of time
This will be amazing to get this experience.
What a dream come true for me. I’m the 1 that drives everyone crazy about recycling, not littering, etc…I’m definitely the tree hugger. 😁
I want to sign up for the free vacation so I can help out with the trees me and my family
Omgosh I would love to help.more then I do now,such a wonderful opportunity if picked
I would love to be part of this project
I feel like I need to do this for our Mother Earth 🌎.. it would be a great experience to achieve..
That sounds amazing – to enjoy Gods creation while giving back at the same time 🙌🙏♥️🙏💪 God bless you all .. hope we ( my husband and I ) can joint
Incredible opportunity to support the effort to restore our forests
“I second the emotion!”
This would be awsome to do with my daughter
I want to join
I would love to participate any where needed!! It would be my honor to help.
This is awesome !! My husband and I would love to be a part of the action!! Sign us up for this trip please!
Absolutely Love This
I love America & its contents more than most & I am happiest when I’m in nature.
Visiting th Amazon…on my Bucket List! Helping the environment while IN the Amazon with my daughter, Erika, a dream come true!
We both love to garden and help nature and God’s creatures. PICK US!!! We are hard workers!
Giving back to Mother Earth is rad in any form. ✌🏻❤️
I am always so proud of the bracelet with the 8…. Just the other day, I found the charm in my rug and realized that I had hit rock bottom on my physical contribution. It would be the very greatest honour of my life to help!
I’m proud to be a tree hugging, dirt worshipping, hippy! I love mother earth. She needs to be respected more. She takes care of us, we need to take care of her.
I love the Amazon forest & all the endangered animals. I would love to visit & be a part of something so wonderful. This would definitely be a dream come true.
Amazon…tree planting…support the environment…I’m in
My daughter is studying wildlife conservation. This would be an amazing experience!
I would absolutely love this! We are so in to nature and giving back. I’m a community health worker!❤️
I love the trees
This seems to be exactly what I have been looking for.
An exciting, meaningful experience. One in which I could draw from afterwards, with first hand descriptions and reasons why these efforts are necessary.
I totally want to go do this!!! It sounds amazing!! I’d love to bring my kids who are 4 and 7 right now it would be an amazing experience for our little family
Wonderful vacation idea
This would be such an amazing opportunity.
Please sign me up for any newsletter that you have. I currently have no extra resources. I am a disabled retiree and live on less than $1000/mo. I’ve run out of Medicare PT visits and will be paying out-of-pocket for the remainder of the year.
I will be sharing this program with others in hopes of getting new members and cash to you, as well as new contestants.
Please please please let me do this!!!!! It has been my dream for years!!!!! Please I have to do God’s work and save this planet for my children’s children!!! Expecting 2 granddaughters this year!!!!
This is a great opportunity for someone. I hope for climate change and less people being obtuse about it. Thank you for the chance at any rate weather I win or lose its great to see all the people that care. 🧡💖🌲🌳🌴🌿
I would love the experience of a Lifetime however I am old fashion and traditional therefore I have no clue how to become a member but I will advocate nonetheless. It sounds like a dream vacation mother nature is God!
This is a totally a gift of a life time, i would love to do this, to show mother nature just how much i love you!!
This is a wonderful idea. I would love to go.
I think that this is such an awesome idea, I would happily pay out of pocket to do the trip. Please email me if this is an option! 🙂
[email protected]
I would love the opportunity to help the planet that we are distroying
No better vacation than this! Giving back to the earth, there is no greater gift.🌎
What a wonderfully pregnant idea. A great way to tell Mother Earth, we love her so and try to redeem ourselves for all the damage we’ve caused.
I’ve planted 1000’s of trees and other plants here in Florida for 25 yrs, I’d love to come down there and help.
Sounds wonderful!
Would be fun and rewarding…
I am so thrilled to be part of saving our beautiful planet🙏🙏🏻✌
Oh my, I so would love to do this!
Sounds exciting!
Sure sounds like at the end of a day , that night you’ll sleep well.
Bring your bengay!
What a beautiful opportunity to be able to be a part of saving the lungs of the earth❣️
One of my passions is to visit the rain forest and contribute to healing mother earth🙏💕🌺🦋
Sounds awesome
Trees are an extension of all mankind. I love trees and trees love me.
I’m all the way in!! The vacation is awesome and everything, but, I’m mostly concerned about getting these trees in and saving these
animals!!! 🌳Save the Amazon, SAVE THE WORLD!!!
I’m in🙌🌍❤️
Yes 🙌 count with me !!!
Such a phenomenal project. I’d be so delighted and blessed to be chose and go do some amazing work with the team. It’s about saving the planet!!
This is amazing
Remarkable work.
Connecting and helping the earth heal
I love the idea for all of us, my entire family will contribute
Would be a great adventure. Once in a lifetime.
Respect, Protect. 🌏
I have been a tree hugger for life.
This sounds totally amazing !!! I want in!
I advocate for all living things. I obtained a Masters of Science in Humane Studies due to my love, respect, and reverence for all creation. 💚
This would be amazing!!
Awesome work, You are all doing!
The vacation of a lifetime will transform, educate and resonate even the most ignorant 🙏
Wow! Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment. What an amazing opportunity to connect to our roots, be part of the solution and to participate in community. I welcome that.
I started with myself to help change the world. I am truly interested in whatever I could do to be involved in this. I wanna do my part.
What a fantastic opportunity to save the earth by planting trees for the future generations to come that’s A wonderful cause to be involved with.i would love to do this. Praise for who ever organizated this Event it is much needed everywhere in the world.
We only have one earth
Plant, nature,grow…
What an amazing program! Plant trees, love on Mother Nature…. a Win for everyone/everything!
We are here at this time to heal the Earth🌳 Appreciation, Blessings, Carbon Dioxide …. Yes
I’m so glad to see this!!
iLoveTrees! 🌱 iPlanted a LemonTree 🍋 for World Plant A Tree Day 2021 … almost ready for my Lemonade Party this fall 😁
Love this idea
Bless you and thank you
I would love to make a difference.
Sounds awesome!
What a gift this would be and for such a great cause! Keep up the good work and fighting the good fight!
Always my dream to help make a difference. Earth Watch, Peace Corps…save-the-earth
I am in love with trees and want to do all I can to help this cause!
I’m a tree hugger and love all things trees. I would love this opportunity!
This is why I was put on the earth. I want to save the world for my kids and grandkids
This is such a beautiful , awesome idea + way of life ! I’d love to be a part of it All. Count me In !!
Thank You for your good works !
As a photographer, I travel the globe recording all the beautiful places in the world in images. I bring them home and back out into the world they go for others to be inspired to do their best in exploring and understanding their part in the ecosystem. Nothing is more important.
Count me in. Saving mother Earth is my passion.
What an amazing cause and would be a magical experience to be involved in!!!
I love animals and work with dogs but I also know the importance of trees and plant life and would love to teach my children how to help our planet
Id love to participate in this worthy endeavor!
I’m love nature and I’ll Glad to help the Earth
What better way to hug the earth and an animal too. My life is been devoted to rescuing and helping animals. Mostly domestic so far and I’m looking forward to branching out into the wild.
I think this is wonderful and would be very grateful to be a part of it.
I love 8 Billion Trees and all the amazing people who give so much back to Mother Gaia. This is why I joined 8 Billion Trees! It helps me to remember that I am not alone in caring and always working to heal our blue-green planet. I am so proud of all of you, and all of us.
I’ll plant trees, do whatever it takes to help slow down the climate change. I want there to be a healthy world my childrens children will be born into.
We need everyone to come together to make sure we undo as much harm as possible. And we leave the next generation with stronger goals of making/leaving a healthier world.
This would be the perfect opportunity for me to give back to Mother Earth!
Lets do this!
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